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Jennifer Perry Jennifer Perry

Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: Treat Wrinkles with Botox®

Time to cover Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: BOTOX®! Botox® is stage 2 because I’m looking to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles or skin laxity in the neck after we have sufficiently treated under chin or jowl fat with Kybella™. Relaxing platysmal bands with neurotoxins tightens and smooths the skin of the neck, literally taking years off of your face/neck.

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Jennifer Perry Jennifer Perry

Confidence Vs. Vanity: How Feminism & Aesthetics Have Evolved

What does it mean to be aesthetically pleasing as a woman? Is it symmetry? Full lips and high cheek bones? And, who gets to decide whether or not you are aesthetically pleasing? Men? You? Is it anti-feminist to invest in your appearance? These are all questions that I’ve encountered during my career in aesthetics and time spent in arts education.

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