Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a skin rejuvenation procedure that helps minimize the signs of aging, improve the appearance of acne scars and rejuvenate aging skin. PRP (platelet rich plasma) contains all the growth factors and nutrients that are found normally in your blood and can then be used to speed the healing process and increase results after microneedling.
What is Microneedling?
We use a device with tiny needles that create tiny holes/pokes on the top layers of the skin. These little holes stimulate your skin to produce collagen and elastin leaving your skin bright and full. Microneedling also decreases the appearance of fine wrinkles, scars, and pores.
How Does Microneedling Work?
The needles on the microneedling device leave tiny pokes in your skin at very specific depths which causes your skin to kick into healing mode. Your skin then repairs itself by increasing collagen and elastin to heal these microscopic holes left on the face. Scientific studies have shown us that our skin gradually loses its collagen and elastin, causing the characteristic signs of aging in the face. Therefore, encouraging your skin to produce these materials will cause your skin to gain strength and look younger and healthier.
What is PRP?
PRP stands for “platelet rich plasma”. Your blood is drawn and processed in a way that separates out your red blood cells from the remaining fluid called plasma. Plasma contains all the growth factors and nutrients that are found normally in your blood and can then be used to speed the healing process and increase results after microneedling.
What is PRF
PRF stands for “platelet rich fibrin” and it is the next step in the evolution of natural skin and hair rejuvenation. PRF is a fibrin matrix comprised of platelet cytokines, growth factors and cells used to help promote skin rejuvenation, hair growth and wound healing. PRF is used to address many of the same issues as PRP, but PRF releases growth factors for much longer, up to one week, versus PRP which releases growth factors for few hours. This means that PRF could have better longer-term benefits. The growth factors are what stimulate the stem cells to improve collagen and elastin in the skin. The platelets in PRF are thought to be more robust than those in PRP, and to therefore promote faster healing.
The prepared PRF is immediately ready for injection into the face to fill facial folds and wrinkles, to plump the hollows under the eyes and dark circles, and to improve skin tone and texture. The PRF can also be injected into the scalp to aid with hair restoration and growth.
Does Microneedling with PRP/PRF Work?
Skin that has been studied after microneedling has been shown to have an increase in multiple types of collagen immediately below the outermost layer of skin (just below the epidermis). This increase in collagen makes skin resemble more youthful skin and has been shown to decrease the appearance of acne, fine lines or wrinkles, or pigmented areas.
How Long Does it Take to Recover from Microneedling with PRP?
Your body starts recovering from the treatment immediately after it’s finished. Treated areas will appear red for a few days after the procedure but this will go away naturally and quickly. To avoid pigment changes or scarring after the procedure, it is best to follow the post-treatment instructions that we’ve developed in order to ensure you have the best response possible.

Is PRP/PRF + Microneedling Right For Me?
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