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Holistic Aesthetics
The consultation with your treatment provider is a crucial point in your aesthetic journey. A provider that’s quick to agree to treatments without getting to know you should be a big red flag. Quick-draw treatments lead to poor aesthetic results at best, and health risks at worst. Your provider should not only be concerned about how services will impact your appearance, but also how your overall health will play a role in the success of your treatments.
Tear Trough Hollows: Why I Recommend PRP Over Fillers
Are you experiencing sunken eyes or deep circles that make you look tired all the time? Tear troughs are no fun to deal with. Read on to learn how to treat tear troughs and why I prefer PRP over fillers for this delicate area.
How to Build Anti-Aging Treatments into Your Budget
Some people think that if they’re not that old, they don’t need anti-aging treatments. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? But I’ve found that it’s unwise to hold off on cosmetic treatments until you need to reverse signs of aging.
The best way to build anti-aging treatments into your budget is to be wise about when you’re getting them and how often. It all comes down to planning your cosmetic journey and making treatments a part of your regular beauty routine. In this article, I’ll discuss why you shouldn’t wait to get started with anti-aging treatments, as well as which services I recommend starting with.
Botox Isn’t Just for the Forehead
Forehead wrinkles can be a major problem. Its natural to want to cover up these wrinkles with some quick botox injections, but did you know there’s another way to make you look younger? My advice is use a little Botox all over instead of focusing on just one area, ie the forehead. Read on to learn my top 5 favorite Botox treatment sites for younger skin!
Everything You Need to Know about Botox for Bunny Lines
Have you been thinking about treating your bunny lines? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Today, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about Botox injections, specifically how they can treat bunny lines on the face to give you a younger look while avoiding over-injected facial features that can look strange and unnatural. We’ll also take a look at the process, the right amount of botox to use, and more!
From Ancient Times to Hollywood: The History and Progress of Cosmetic Surgery Throughout the Ages
When it comes to plastic surgery, it has certainly flowed back and forth between being viewed as a taboo practice and being widely accepted over the years. However, it seems to have steadily gained traction throughout the ages since a person’s appearance is known to impact their quality of life and their overall success.
2022: The Year for Work-Life Balance
I’m getting personal with you. Hopefully, you can learn from my burnout and we can make 2022 our best year ever. How? It’s all about a proper work-life balance. Here’s how I’m doing it.
Your Injectable Appointment Cheat Sheet
Here’s your cheat sheet for all things injectable! How long does this filler last? What’s the recovery like? All those FAQs and more in one easy spot with The Art of Injection’s Appointment Cheat Sheet.
Smaller Lips are Coming Back; Here's What I Know
As an aesthetic injector, I see beauty and lip trends come and go. Recently, I’ve seen smaller lips coming back into style. Let me explain before you run out to get your lips plumped.
Liposuction vs Kybella: What You Need to Know
Everyone knows what Liposuction is, but do you know the danger behind this popular procedure? Learn what doctors don’t tell you about this weight-loss treatment and how Kybella is a safer option.
How Medical Aesthetics Heals Lives (and Injuries)
Whenever we think about skincare treatments, fillers, or plastic surgery, we assume it's rooted in vanity. But it's not always about perfecting the human body to live up to some archetypal beauty standard. Sometime's it's about bringing you back to YOU.
The Art of Natural-Looking Lip Injections
When we scroll through our Instafeeds full of big, pillowy lips, there's no surprise that you want in. A perfect pout is easy to get these days and it's growing in popularity.
Stage 3 of Facial Sculpting: Dermal Fillers
And now on to Stage 3 of Facial Sculpting: Dermal Fillers! If you read my previous post, “The 4 Stages of Facial Sculpting,” you know my approach to sculpting; I do it in stages, instead of jumping right in and going to town on your face. These stages can take anywhere from 6-12 months!
Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: Treat Wrinkles with Botox®
Time to cover Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: BOTOX®! Botox® is stage 2 because I’m looking to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles or skin laxity in the neck after we have sufficiently treated under chin or jowl fat with Kybella™. Relaxing platysmal bands with neurotoxins tightens and smooths the skin of the neck, literally taking years off of your face/neck.
Stage 1 of Facial Sculpting: Kybella for That Double Chin!
Hands down, this is one of my favorite treatments because it works wonders for slimming the face WITHOUT surgery or liposuction. It used to be that the only way to eliminate fat pockets under the chin or in the jowls was through liposuction, which requires a lot of downtime and expense. Kybella™ has changed that for good AND is FDA-approved for the treatment of double chins in adults.
Confidence Vs. Vanity: How Feminism & Aesthetics Have Evolved
What does it mean to be aesthetically pleasing as a woman? Is it symmetry? Full lips and high cheek bones? And, who gets to decide whether or not you are aesthetically pleasing? Men? You? Is it anti-feminist to invest in your appearance? These are all questions that I’ve encountered during my career in aesthetics and time spent in arts education.