How Medical Aesthetics Heals Lives (and Injuries)


The desire for bigger lips, tighter foreheads, and more youthful skin are entirely understandable. I'm obsessed with helping my clients feel more confident and I love that it's possible to relieve someone's insecurities with a quick 30-minute visit. But there is another side to aesthetics that doesn't get the spotlight. Spoiler alert: It's not influencers peddling pillowy pouts. I'm talking about the real-life (rockstars) who experience deeper healing with medical aesthetics. Let me elaborate.

All the treatments I perform daily - Botox®, Kybella™, PDO Threads, PRP, etc. - all have the potential to help injuries. Mic drop. 🎤

As a professional injector, I have a background in plastic and reconstructive surgery. I know how to use the four stages of facial sculpting (and a lot of other methods) for purposes far beyond conventional beauty. Because of my expertise, I'm lucky enough to get to work with patients who have experienced accidents or injuries. And trust me, the work is so rewarding.

Healing injuries with medical aesthetics

The day before writing this blog, I did a PDO thread browlift, not for sexier "fox eyes," but unilaterally. My patient was hit in the face with a piece of wood as a child so one eye with a lot of scar tissue. But, with PDO threads placed on one side, we lifted that affected eye and balanced her face. In one appointment, the insecurity that has lingered since her childhood was relieved.

The list goes on…

I've helped patients with dog bites on their lips. I've hidden scars with PRP treatments. I've used neuromodulators to lift one side of the face. 

A few of my patients have experienced car accidents. These injuries affected muscles, but thanks to Botox® and thoughtfully placed injections, we can achieve symmetry. The possibilities truly are endless. Lives can actually be changed through aesthetic medicine.

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Aesthetics are not always about vanity

Whenever we think about skincare treatments, fillers, or plastic surgery, we assume it's rooted in vanity. But it's not always about perfecting the human body to live up to some archetypal beauty standard. Sometime's it's about bringing you back to YOU.

During my time in the OR, I did a lot of breast and facial skin reconstruction for cancer patients. This experience gave me a firm understanding of how to reapproximate tissue. Now, instead of using a scalpel and extreme measures like surgery (though, sometimes still necessary), I use different tools, like PRP injections, to achieve similar results. Who knew these beauty tools could do so much more?

More on the Blog: Confidence vs. Vanity: How Femininism & Aesthetics have Evolved

Leave your insecurities in the past

I know this blog doesn't speak to everyone - and thank goodness! Thankfully, the majority of us have not lived through traumatic injuries. But for those who have, please know that you are not stuck or alone! Your life can be different. Your life can be better.

If you experience low self-esteem because of an old (or new!) injury, you don't need to live with it. Just because an injury is a part of your past, it doesn't deserve a place in your future. You don't need to live with the burden of insecurity. Don't lose hope, you have options. Modern advancements in aesthetic medicine have changed the way we approach reconstructive or corrective procedures. These improvements can happen within minutes, now… not years.

Depending on the severity, a stronger treatment plan might be necessary, but it doesn't hurt to explore different options. I'm an advocate for avoiding surgery and if you saw the changes that are possible with fillers, Botox®, and more in-office treatments, you'd truly be amazed.

More on the Blog: Post-Divorce Tune-up: Empowering Women to Move Forward with Confidence

Where to get medical aesthetics in Philadelphia

I'm Jennifer Perry and I’m so proud to be one of the top Aesthetic Injectors in Philadelphia. I work with all kinds of clients between my select med spas in the city. From hair restoration to body and facial sculpting, my services might just be what you need to leave your insecurities behind. Schedule a consultation (I even do them virtually!) and let's see what you're working with. I have confidence that I can help. -xoxo Jen

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