The Art of Natural-Looking Lip Injections


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if you're not totally happy with what your mama gave you? As an academically trained artist, I admire natural beauty and have learned to embrace (even love) our imperfections. However, as a top Aesthetic Injector in Philadelphia, I hear clients share their deepest self-doubts every day. But I can fix them! (At least most of them...) Trust me, I feel both sides of the lip argument. It’s a conflict of wanting big, succulent lips without people saying, “Wow, she got work done.” Trust me, there’s a happy medium.

Beauty standards have embraced BIG lips

When we scroll through our Instafeeds full of big, pillowy lips, there's no surprise that you want in. A perfect pout is easy to get these days and it's growing in popularity. Big lips are so popular, that regular, natural faces suddenly look uneventful and even boring. “She's too natural.” Sound familiar? Lip injections have become the new normal. That leads us to a problem... keep reading.

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Bigger is not always better…

…At least not with lips 🤫. Here’s why.

Well enough is rarely left alone. People accustomed to lip injections keep wanting bigger and bigger lips and inevitably, they end up going overboard. You know that saying, “The more you make, the more you spend”? Well, it’s kind of like that. As an injector, I continuously have clients ask for "just a little more" each appointment. While I (and other onlookers) see perfect lips, the client feels their lips aren't big enough. It's a skewed sense of reality because of the influx of overly-injected lips we see in the media.

Our culture puts beauty on a pedestal, yet we haven't quite embraced the "work" it takes to achieve these standards. Lip injections are normal, and when they’re BIG, they’re easy to spot. Are you ok with that?

I don't agree with any unrealistic beauty standards, but I do agree with helping people feel their best if that means a fuller pout. That's why we need to meet in the middle.

Why I support the natural look

Getting work done is perfectly common and I believe it's entirely a personal decision. Any work, like lip injections, should be made out of self-love. The decision to invest in your appearance is an act of respecting yourself because you deserve to look your personal best.

But let's prevent people from comparing you to an inflatable sex doll, shall we? I encourage natural-looking lip injections. There is an art to creating full, plump lips without looking fake. Injections and treatments should enhance your beauty and reveal your most confident self. They should not change you into a new person.

P.S. These patient results are what I mean by natural lip injections

Lip injections to the rescue

Whenever we think of lip injections, we assume it's to increase volume. However, they can do so much more than just puff your pout! Thoughtfully placed lip injections can be used to smooth out lip wrinkles, correct uneven lips, and even lift the corners of the mouth. That’s a new reason to smile 😊.

Where to get natural-looking lip injections in Philadelphia

Hey, there! I'm Jennifer Perry, a Registered Nurse, RN First Assistant, and top Aesthetic Nurse Injector. I treat patients at Art of Injection® right here at multiple locations in Philadelphia. Book an appointment or FREE consultation so we can discuss your beauty goals together. My goal is always the same: to make you feel your absolute BEST self. Whatever (beauty) standards you choose to live up to!

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