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Jennifer Perry Jennifer Perry

Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: Treat Wrinkles with Botox®

Time to cover Stage 2 of Facial Sculpting: BOTOX®! Botox® is stage 2 because I’m looking to smooth out the appearance of wrinkles or skin laxity in the neck after we have sufficiently treated under chin or jowl fat with Kybella™. Relaxing platysmal bands with neurotoxins tightens and smooths the skin of the neck, literally taking years off of your face/neck.

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Jennifer Perry Jennifer Perry

Stage 1 of Facial Sculpting: Kybella for That Double Chin!

Hands down, this is one of my favorite treatments because it works wonders for slimming the face WITHOUT surgery or liposuction. It used to be that the only way to eliminate fat pockets under the chin or in the jowls was through liposuction, which requires a lot of downtime and expense. Kybella™ has changed that for good AND is FDA-approved for the treatment of double chins in adults.

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Jennifer Perry Jennifer Perry

Confidence Vs. Vanity: How Feminism & Aesthetics Have Evolved

What does it mean to be aesthetically pleasing as a woman? Is it symmetry? Full lips and high cheek bones? And, who gets to decide whether or not you are aesthetically pleasing? Men? You? Is it anti-feminist to invest in your appearance? These are all questions that I’ve encountered during my career in aesthetics and time spent in arts education.

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